Karner blue Videos
Vicki Benjamin, Andrew Niebler, and Robert Clapham discuss how KBC is helping to transform business as usual by incorporating ESG and biodiversity criteria into its investment decision-making process.
Vicki Benjamin, co-founder and president of KBC, discusses how KBC’s approach to biodiversity research represents an evolution in sustainable investing.
Vicki Benjamin, co-founder and president of KBC, discusses the importance of the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, including the financial sector’s reliance upon, and duty to help preserve, biodiversity.
Representatives from financial institutions around the world make the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, acknowledging the financial industry’s role in preserving biodiversity.

Concordia University of Montréal, Canada, hosts speakers Onno van den Heuvel, Global Manager, UN BIOFIN and Vicki Benjamin, Co-Founder and CEO, Karner Blue Capital to discuss the economics of biodiversity.
Andrea Dalton of the CFA Society of Stamford discusses how to design ESG Strategies for maximum impact with panelists Vicki Benjamin of Karner Blue Capital and Bill Page of Essex Investment Management. Please register with the link provided in order to view the webcast.
Panelists including Vicki Benjamin, co-founder and president of KBC, discuss how non-state actor commitments support the global biodiversity framework set forth by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, part of the UN’s environment programme.
Panelists from Karner Blue Capital and the FAIRR Initiative discuss the importance of incorporating biodiversity risk into investment portfolios and how to make informed investment decisions with this in mind. Hosted by the Intentional Endowments Network (IEN).
Vicki Benjamin, co-founder and president of KBC, discusses why biodiversity conservation matters and how it impacts your portfolio with Sandra Powers of Ark Global, LLC.
KBC Newsletter
June, 2020, Issue 3
January, 2020, Issue 2
October 2019, Issue 3